CallMyWay offers IsMyConnect, a Microsoft-certified service that integrates your Microsoft Teams licensing with traditional telephony, natively and transparently, and includes a Cloud Switch, online reporting and world-class support.
Absolute Mobility
Your employees will be able to have telephony service over Microsoft Teams, anywhere, it only requires Internet connectivity. It includes dialing to any local, international and direct to extension number.
Operational Simplicity
IsMyConnect allows you to totally or partially dispense with your telephone switchboard since the integration of Microsoft Teams together with the IsMyConnect Cloud Switch offers you all the corporate telephony functionalities you require.
Operational Reliability
Enjoy a stable, robust and redundant technological solution that allows you to establish voice channels and extensions, according to your business scale. CallMyWay ensures its permanent update.
Microsoft Certification
IsMyConnect is a Microsoft certified service. Microsoft. Calls travel end-to-end between Microsoft Teams and IsMyConnect.